Jessica Murray
Jessica Murray

Astrologer, writer and cultural commentator Jessica Murray brings to light the spiritual underpinnings that shape both the personal and collective experience of our time. Learn more here.

Jessica Murray
Your Personal Astrology

Get a reading with Jessica, and learn how to live through your chart, responding rather than reacting to the chaos of these turbulent times. Jessica provides individual and group opportunities to explore your personal astrology through readings and mentoring.

Jessica Murray
Cultural Commentary

Follow world events through an an astrological lens,with Jessica’s blogs, monthly Skywatch, and regular contributions to astrological journals.

Jessica Murray
The Big Picture

For an astonishing glimpse into the major currents afoot in the modern world – and your path in it – read Jessica’s books, most recently At the Crossroads.

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Jessica’s 3/22/25 webinar, "In Charge But Not in Control,"

the 2nd in a series on the Saturn-Neptune conjunction,

focuses on the transit through the 12 houses

Astrological Readings

Getting a reading with Jessica will provide you with insights about your own chart and transits that allow you to respond rather than react to the events in your life.

Monthly SkyWatch Subscription

SkyWatch is Jessica's premier monthly column, offering in-depth analysis of the current astrological conditions. Your subscription gives you access to SkyWatch on the first of every month.

Jessica’s Blog

For a big-picture glance at what’s going on in the world, the blog looks at how current events are lining up with astrological transits.


Jessica offers an ever expanding library of lectures on a variety of diverse astrological and esoteric topics, which can be downloaded instantly as an MP3 or MP4.

Mentoring & Teaching

Ongoing sessions are available for students and clients interested in learning how to apply astrological principles in depth, as well as how to live through the center of their charts.


Jessica has teamed up with Astrology University to provide webinars on a range of topics, including a series on the planets from a transpersonal point of view.


Read excerpts and reviews of Jessica’s two books, the most recent being At the Crossroads: An Astrologer Looks at these Turbulent Times. Available for purchase here.


Jessica's longer essays, previously published in journals such as The Mountain Astrologer Magazine.

“Jessica Murray’s insights are prodigious and trenchant, her intelligence unabashed; yet she manages to remain warmhearted and fully human,
no matter how volcanic the territories she explores.”- Steven Forrest