Archive | November, 2009

American Materialism: The Elephant in the Middle of the Room

Money as taboo

Pluto is the planet of taboos. How appropriate it is that the god of Hell is the governor of these festering energies, always in the atmosphere but rarely discussed honestly and directly. The danger attached to these ideas causes baroque mythologies to build up around them, a system of apologias which would provide a fascinating self-study if we had the courage to look into them. In our own natal chart, Pluto's placement points to issues we may be semi-aware of but rarely look into, because we simply don't know what to do with them.

What to expect from a Session

What is astrology?

Astrology is a language of symbols. Astrological birth charts are maps of a person's life purpose laid out in this coded language. A chart is derived from the arrangement of planets in the sky at the exact time you were born, from the vantage point of the exact place you were born.

Translating the symbolic configurations of a birth chart into terms the client can understand is the art form that the astrologer practices.

Open the Window

A window opened wide in a rank and fetid room. That’s what we’ll get from the next two years of Saturn in Libra, if we play our cards right. Air is the antidote to sentiment (excess water), lack of imagination (excess earth) and bloviating blowhards fired up by their own pseudo-convictions (Rush Limbaugh.)(I mean excess fire).

November 2009
The Empire Strikes Out


Okay, now things are really getting exciting. The Cardinal Cross period has passed another milestone.

Saturn has entered Libra, the sign of its exaltation. Throughout November it is within two degrees of an exact square to Pluto, … Meanwhile, Uranus, still in opposition to Saturn, is inching its way closer to an exact square with Pluto. …

On the material level, the question asked by this transit is: How will the world handle its wealth, energy and power?

Over the next few years, the issue of right use of resources will be topic number one. ….

The critical point here is that denial will no longer be possible, even for the wealthy. Meanwhile, the denial in which many of the non-wealthy are shrouding themselves is at least as poisonous.What is the conscious person’s response to the perils of economic meltdown, climate change and the global systems collapse associated with peak oil?