The Cardinal Cross Years: 2008-23

Troubled times have always been astrology’s stock in trade. From the lunar calendars of Ice Age shamans to the glossy magazine horoscopes at the grocery store, in one form or another people have looked to the sky to explain their distresses, large and small. Throughout human history astrology has provided a spiritual constant.

Trickling Down into the Mainstream: The Cardinal Cross Establishes Itself

This lecture was originally Posted at the Autumnal Equinox 2010.

Lies are exposed and well-kept secrets are revealed. During the years surrounding 2012, whenever Pluto stations, the tension of its square with Uranus is exacerbated. If the station occurs when the Sun is at one of the Cardinal points, as in mid-September 2010, the energy is that much stronger.

The Longest Arm of the Cross: The Uranus-Pluto Square

This lecture describes in detail the single most important astrological aspect coloring the years ahead. The square between Uranus (revolution) and Pluto (breakdown and renewal) is the longest arm of the Cardinal Cross: the key theme presented in this era of transformative change. Between 2012 and 2016, these two celestial heavyweights will be exactly 90 degrees apart seven times, offering the people of the world (Uranus) a chance to realize how much power (Pluto) we have.

Lecture Series on 2012 and the Cosmic Crossroads

CDseries_blogThe planetary patterns of 2010 and beyond are astounding.

As Spring turns to Summer we are feeling the approach of the long-anticipated square of Pluto and Uranus: the longest arm of the Cardinal Cross. As the angle between these two celestial heavyweights becomes more and more exact, the potential increases for the people of the world (Uranus) to realize how much power (Pluto) we have.

Higher Ground: World-Altering Transits in the Years Ahead

Upon the inauguration of America’s new president, millions of people felt something extraordinary happen; something that went beyond a mere political victory party. It felt to many as if a flood of inspiration was unleashed —- not just in the USA, but, remarkably, all over the world – whose power astrologers chalk up not to a man winning an election, but to the epochal transits upon us. The fact that Americans selected their candidate on the very day of the opposition between Saturn (the past) and Uranus (the future) is only one piece of the story.

Jun 2010
Making Transits Your Own

For years I’ve had up on my bulletin board a copy of the chart for this month’s Full Moon. The paper is now curling at the edges and the ink is faded from the Sun.

What’s happening on June 26th not just any full Moon; it’s a Lunar Eclipse. (My lecture series on the powerful transits upcoming begins with this eclipse; see Announcements at right).

And it isn’t just any eclipse: it’s the world’s formal debut into the Cardinal Cross years. Its chart features a tight Grand Cross made up of no less than seven planets. We’ll have Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto in a T-square; with the Cancer Sun supplying the final vertex. The reason predictive astrologers are watching this chart like a hawk is that the extreme tension in such patterns is often associated with dramatic outer-world events…

May 2009
Mastery from Chaos

Congratulate yourselves, fellow travelers. You have incarnated into the least boring period in human history.Astrologers are paying special attention to the window between 2011 and 2015, with another spike at the USA Pluto Return in 2022. The world is in for quite a ride. To approach the Cardinal Cross years with our eyes open would be a very useful prayer to incorporate into our spiritual practice right now. We are dealing with big energies here, and we need to draw on the highest parts of ourselves

Fool’s Gold

Fellow Americans, we are entering the next phase of our country’s nervous breakdown.(1) Time to zoom out from the chaos with a cosmic wide-angle lens. When an individual has a psychotic break, their sense of fundamental reality starts to drop away. When a group has one, what drop away are the cultural structures that are […]

Dec 2015
Winter Storms

The Cardinal Cross is alive and well. Our old friend the Uranus-Pluto square is now past exactitude(1) but still feisty. Every time a third planet passes through its zone of degrees, sudden storms arise.(2)  Transit trackers will have noticed the way the seasonal portals ignite the Cross. Since 2010, every equinox and solstice has functioned […]