Sep 2012
Shift in Velocity

pic1Get ready to shift gears.

As September begins, the personal planets are facing straight ahead. Since August 7th, when Mercury stationed direct, the last of them made the shift from retrograde to forward motion. You may have felt hurdles move out of the way.

In the background, meanwhile, the three outer planets are still retrograde, beckoning us inwards, into subtler terrain. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto represent the drives of non-ordinary conscious, of which our cells are more aware than our minds are. On this level we are hard at work, still sorting and reviewing, doing our best to take everything in. We’re all busy trying to remember why we chose this era.

For we did choose, on a soul level, to be alive just now. And we are each perfectly suited to the task. In this way we are no different from any other sentient being whose DNA equips it to survive in its resident epoch. Like a shoreline scrub tree whose trunk is built to accommodate coastal winds, or a bird whose instinct guides it to migrate when the temperature changes, we humans have exactly the charts with which to deal with right now, right here.

Equinox Drama

Pluto’s direct station on September 17th occurs mere hours before the second Uranus-Pluto exactitude. This latest confrontation between the two planets, which are squaring off in Aries (Cardinal Fire) and Capricorn (Cardinal Earth), sets the template for Autumn as a whole.

The drama is heightened by the transits that surround the exactitude. These include the New Moon three days before the exactitude, the Pluto station one day before it, Mercury’s entry into a T-square with Uranus and Pluto the day after that, and the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd, two days later.

Individuals whose charts are particularly sensitive to the Uranus-Pluto square may be able to feel each of its seven iterations1 as palpable shifts in the global energy field. For all of us, the events that cluster around the days of the exact transit – the big issues that come to a head then, that we hear about on the news, or experience in our personal lives — are illustrations of shifts in the collective etheric body.

Transit trackers: keep an eye out for the events that come up around the Equinox, globally and for you individually. Take note of these events while staying detached, if you can, from the stories around them. That is, instead of interpreting them as you normally do, see them simply as abstract bursts of energy — little explosions of force that crop up, as you’re whooshing along the bicycle path of life.

Just as when we shift gears in a car or bicycle, these events are here to get us ready for an imminent change in velocity.


The micro-cosmic level mirrors the macro-cosmic. If your personal life feels dogged by crises right now, consider it a mirror of what the world at large is going through. For in-tune individuals, psychological breakdowns that lead to breakthroughs are not unusual. Financial reversals and emotional storms are not signs that you’ve done something wrong. They are signs of the times.

As for the macro-cosmic level, it is hard to find a single arena of collective human endeavor that’s not undergoing breakdown. With financial, military and meteorological disasters becoming not the exception but the rule, the big news is no longer which networks are breaking down, but which networks of denial are breaking down.

This is the good news. For Cardinal Cross cheerleaders, when denial crumbles it’s the light at the end of the tunnel. Consider the recent about-face by Richard Muller, the Koch-funded scientist notorious for denying the human causes of global warming. His total turnaround  came in late July, when Mars in Libra was making the Uranus-Pluto exactitude into a T-Square.

Fundamental Battle

 The fundamental battle, from now on, will be between the forces of change and those who would stonewall change.

Witness the Japanese government’s restarting of two problem-plagued nuclear reactors, about a week after the first exact Uranus-Pluto square. The popular protests that ensued in Tokyo — not a city known for citizen revolt —  and elsewhere have been the largest in that nation since the anti-war demos of the mid-1960s.

As for the generation born in that earlier era, now in their forties, they have Uranus and Pluto conjunct in their charts; giving them a special relationship to the transit series upon us now.

Gen X

Every one of us knows on some level that Planet Earth is reaching a point of no return as regards sustainability. But different individuals and different generations are aware of it in different ways. Those of you in the Uranus-conjunct-Pluto generation (born 1964-68) are exceptionally well disposed to comprehend this collective milestone, and to find your place within it. The need to find it drives you.

This is not just because you have reached the right age. Certainly, that’s part of the reason: you’re old enough now to give real form and shape to your lives. But there is more to the story than chronological age. You are a member of an astrologically notable generation. You and your peers personify the revolutionary (Uranus) power (Pluto) of the mid-sixties conjunction that dominated the sky when you were born.

Meanwhile, everyone alive right now knows, on some level of their being, that the amount of consciousness we bring to our decisions will determine the future in more critical ways than ever before. Pay attention to the Cardinal signs in your chart as they are hit by transits around the Equinox. Focus on what houses Uranus and Pluto are transiting in your chart right now.

This is where the gears are shifting.



1 After this, the next one is May 20, 2013. The fourth is November first, 2013. the fifth is April 21st 2014, the sixth is December 14th, 2014 and the last one is March 16th, 2015.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.