Nov 2017
Kicked into Action

November features a flurry of activity starting around the New Moon of Nov 18th: Thanksgiving week in the USA. Back-to-back transits pop into action in one smooth riff.

Even though each has its own separate themes, the proximity of these shifts gives them a cumulative punch. Sensitive souls may find it all a tad overwhelming… unless we glimpse the patterns behind the action.

Wasn’t it kind of the Goddess to invent astrology?

Major transits

Just as the lunar cycle is getting its bearings, on the 19th, the Cardinal Cross rears its head: Mars in Libra squares Pluto to the exact degree, the first of a one-two punch.A couple of days later, the Sun enters Sagittarius (11/21 7:06 pm PST).

The day after that, Neptune (sub- or super-rationality, depending on how we use it) makes a direct station, at eleven and a half Pisces (11/22 6:22 am PST). A fit tribute would be to allow ourselves, on this singular day, to do something unrealistic.

On the last two days of the month, Mars opposes Uranus. This is the other-shoe-dropping to the Mars-Pluto square a week and a half earlier.

Internal clock

Those who have been tracking the historic Uranus-Pluto square for the past decade will be familiar with the drill. Whenever a personal planet — especially Mars (because its effects tend to be the most blatant and event-oriented) — hits Pluto by transit, a few days later it will hit Uranus. The pattern is especially potent when Mars is in a Cardinal sign, as it is now. (1)

We have been cosmically programmed. The orb of the Uranus-Pluto square has been widening since 2015 but the pattern has been constant: If one of this transformative pair is getting set off, we know the other will be set off in a few days time.

Our internal clocks have registered this pattern, whether our conscious minds have or not. Some part of our being knows that the kick to Pluto (death and regeneration) will be followed by a kick from Uranus (shock and change).

Rattled reality

The kicks Mars is giving the square this month are reminders of something we’ve been working on for years. If we’ve been following theUranus-Pluto drama we’re all the better equipped to anticipate and recognize its lessons. We’re far less likely to be thrown by them.

Transit trackers we will have identified already the profound changes that have been rattling our reality since 2008, when the Cardinal Cross period began, perhaps peaking during 2012-2015 when it reached exactitude. Knowing what houses of our chart Uranus, Pluto and Mars are currently transiting is essential.

Check your chart, or have someone check it for you, to identify where in the wheel the 17th and 26th degrees of Libra, Aries and Capricorn are located, and what contacts they make to natal planets.

Uranus and Pluto

Wherever Pluto falls in your chart, that’s where some process has been breaking down and must now be absorbed, like the rotted detritus of last year’s harvest enriching the soil for future growth.

Wherever Uranus falls, there have been galvanizing changes that have thrown you off your game, for the purpose of revitalizing your life.

The world as a whole is now in the assimilation phase of the Uranus-Pluto square, as well as that of several other cycles, all coming to a close around the same time.


1) This is because when a planet is passing through a cardinal sign, it will sooner or later come into conjunction, square or opposition with whatever it’s transiting. These constitute the tetrad series of planetary aspects, the most jarring — and potentially enlightening — of the various ways celestial bodies can interrelate. For details, see this webinar.

Image sources:
Blossoming bush drawing: Kay Nielsen
Spider photo: Mandi Lynn
Human clock: María Ines Vallejos
Waterfront statue photo: Rasana Aixa

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.