Mar 2018
Grown-Up in the Room

This month begins with a Full Moon steeped in water. The winsome mood pivots dramatically ¾ of the way through the month. On March 20th, the Vernal Equinox arrives like a fiery dawn.

This is the first day of Spring, when the Sun in Pisces, the last of the twelve signs, morphs into Aries, the first. This shift between one sign and the next is the most dramatic in the zodiac.

With the segueing of vague, amorphous Pisces into straight-shooting Aries, the old cycle bites the dust.

Neptune and the Sun

The first day of March may be magical or baffling, depending on how you respond to the Sun’s conjunction with Neptune, planet of fogs and oceans. For a couple of days, things may lose their sense of definition, as if the boundary between ourselves and the All-That-is had disappeared.

This can be confusing unless we understand it: it’s a glimpse of what we experienced floating in the amnios, pre-birth.

During the first few days of the month, Venus and Mercury are still in Pisces as well. So the sense of floating is especially strong. The best way to use all this water is to pour it into artistic appreciation. Mercury (the mind) allows our thoughts to flow like poetry. Listening to music, we can follow its trans-rational logic.

Venus (aesthetics) is exalted in Pisces, so right now her refined sensibility is peaking. (For those who track significant degrees, the peak within the peak occurs March 4th, when Venus hits the 27th degree of Pisces).

Burst of fire

On the 5th and 6th, Mercury and then Venus move into Aries, and our mental and emotional patterns get jacked up with immediacy. When these two square Saturn (blockage) a few days later, 3/10 – 13, we have to confront the need for realism in matters that may have been merely conceptual before.

In relationships as well as intellectual life, critical thinking and practical considerations intrude.

Saturn means us no harm. It only seems so, when we refuse to admit limitations exist. Saturn squares call us out when we’re romanticizing our own immaturity.

If we’ve been indulging ourselves, we’ll probably find out when Venus squares Pluto on March 23rd. The underside of emotional impulses (Venus in Aries) are likely to come to the surface in some sort of power game.

Do the requisite self-scrutiny before the Sun-Mars square arrives, a few days later. On March 24th, the Sun confronts Mars in early Capricorn. The urge to self-assert is emphatic, giving us a chance to observe the state of our ego.

Check yourself so you don’t wreck yourself.

Taking Responsibility

As March winds to a close, two compelling transits overlap. Venus conjoins Uranus in late Aries (3/28-9): our impulse is to shake things up. Use this one to take creative risks, not to drop everything and bolt.

During the same period, the Sun squares Saturn in Capricorn: circumstances may feel pinched and confining. Avoid the impulse to blame. The planet of karma doesn’t take well to that.

We’re being called upon to be the grown-up in the room here. It will serve us well, down the road.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.