Apr 2018
Hold Your Fire

This month the sky is full of Aries, a sign known for being quick on the trigger. Its impetuousness can make it either refreshingly direct or childishly impulsive, depending on the degree of maturity we bring to it.

This maturity is what’s being tested right now, as Saturn in Capricorn makes a showing early and late in the month.

Good hard work

Forget what you’ve heard about Saturn transits being “hard.” Well, okay, sometimes they are hard. But not just for the sake of being hard. It’s to get us to work at something (discussed in detail in this article) and grow strong, accordingly.

In the case of this month’s transits, we’re being forced to not just feel Aries energy, but to use it. Since the last few days of March, we’ve been invited to get to know Aries better.

Notoriously self-oriented, Aries is seldom self-reflective. But the Sun-Saturn square, separating as the month begins, and the Mercury-Saturn square peaking 4/25-7, dampen the fire of Aries. They also cut its speed.

Cool your jets

Our actions may be especially slow and deliberate during the conjunction of Mars with Saturn, which peaks the first week of the month.

Mars has been in Capricorn since March 17th, leading to a general sense of caution and circumspection. As April begins, progress may slow down even further.

Limiting circumstances may force a re-consideration of plans. Don’t react out of pique, like a frustrated child; to do so is to fail the maturity test. The appropriate response is to take stock and re-structure.

Most of us see Saturn transits as obstacles, and it is true that they often manifest as unwanted restrictions. But they’re not there just to mess with our plans. The planets have no such malevolent intention.

The Mars-Mercury-Saturn aspects (peaking 4/2-5) are followed by a second Mercury-Saturn square (4/25-6), this time with Mercury going direct. These juncture points are like knots in a hose, requiring that we get down on the ground and spend some time untangling.

Pluto power

Pluto gets into the act as well, this month. First it squares the Aries Sun (4/10-11); then it conjoins Mars (4/25-6). Something will need to be eliminated.

Don’t imagine that pure force of will (Aries) is the solution; trying to power through the problem might backfire. Pluto, governor of decay and regeneration, is far stronger than our ego intentions.

If difficulties intensify around the Pluto dates it may mean we’re refusing to bow to the inevitable. If frustrations arise during the Saturn dates, it may mean all we need to do is stop and reconsider what we’re doing.

It doesn’t mean we’re doing something wrong.

Sculpture by Aron Demetz
Road image by Kacper Kiec

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.