May 2018

The big news in the sky this month concerns Uranus, the planet of revolution. After being in Aries for the last seven years, Uranus is moving into Taurus.

On the ides of May, humanity begins a new chapter as concerns all things Uranian (advanced technology, political movements, sudden upheavals.) In Taurus, the sign of resources, Uranus will destabilize the financial sector, values and valuables.

This is the planet associated with consciousness shifts, the kind that up-end societies, and thrust individuals into our own futures.

Our relationship to the material world will become the focus of radical change, jolting us out of our comfort zones.

Global shifts

For the world at large, Uranus in Taurus indicates a seven-year period in which brand new means of assessing worth will be launched.

These may include such game-changers as crypto-currencies, the overhaul of global economic agencies, and the updating of sacrosanct concepts like standard currencies, precious metals and GDP.


Transiting an individual chart, Uranus can feel like a bolt of lightning. This planet uses unpredictability as a teaching tool.

Do you have natal planets on or near the 1st degree of Taurus or any other fixed sign (Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius)? If so, you’re getting the strongest of the various Uranus transits possible: a conjunction, a square or an opposition.

But all of us have Uranus somewhere. Identify the house of your chart occupied by 0º Taurus. This will show you the area of your life where change is insistent.

This is an exciting time of your life, and it will only happen once. (1)

Ready or Not

Uranus will be hanging around the same couple of degrees for several months, giving us plenty of time to work on accepting the changes it requires.

Planning is contraindicated. These transits are trying to launch us out of the known, and into the unknown.

Trying to second-guess Uranus is a waste of time.


If your chart is getting a strong hit, your best approach is to stay as flexible as possible in the arena indicated by its placement in your wheel of houses (this webinar discusses in detail how to work with Uranus).

If we imagine we already know what it will bring us, Uranus — a great trickster — will probably pivot and come at us from a different direction, the better to catch us off-guard.

Set free

We may not even realize where in our lives we need liberating. But Uranus knows, and it will pinpoint those areas.

If we resist its call to liberation, we’ll find the transit much less fun.

As always, it helps to be in touch with our inner promptings. We will have already been feeling a certain tug of urgency in the department of our life indicated by Uranus’ house placement. We’ll have noticed that circumstances have started to feel constrictive.

The more aware we are, the more likely it is that Uranus will manifest as creative disruption, rather than the chaotic kind.

Even so, by definition we can’t know specifically what form the transit will take. All we know is that it will bring us whatever is required to set us free.


1) Unless you are very young and live very long. It will be 84 years before Uranus returns to this position.

Photograph of storm clouds by Pete James
Photo of House of the Bulgarian Communist Party by Dimitar Kilkoff

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.