Mar 2019
The Spark of Life

The standout transit of the month, as it is every March, is the Vernal Equinox. When the Sun hits zero Aries, it is like the blast of a trumpet announcing the three months to come: Spring in the Northern Hemisphere.

On another level, because this is the first degree of the first sign, it inaugurates the entire zodiacal year.

The atmosphere will be buzzing with cardinality (initiation, ambition, innovation) on March 20th at 5:58 pm EDT. It does more than set things in motion. It ignites them.

Check your chart for the presence of early-degree cardinals (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn). You will be especially sensitive to this lurch into a new mode.

Full Moon Equinox

Mundane astrologers pay a lot of attention to the charts of the first moment of each of the four cardinal points. They show us what seasonal themes to expect — for the world, or, when the chart is cast for a national capitol, for a particular country.

The Equinox chart for Washington, D.C. suggests a season driven by emotions, not ideas. The Moon is in the first house and all alone in the hemisphere: the mass mood is leading the way. Mercury, the planet of rational thinking, is in Pisces, retrograde and conjunct Neptune. The collective unconscious is in the catbird seat here. Moreover, the fact that the Moon is just shy of being Full suggests an upcoming period that will be teetering on the edge of climax.

Notice all the action around the 21st-through-24th degrees. Any planets or nodes around these degrees in your natal charts features will be strongly activated, whatever the sign. Track your transits or get a reading. There’s a lot to work with here.

Surrounded by mist

The mists of Neptune surround us this month. The Sun, in Pisces until the 20th, will be at its most Piscean when it conjoins Neptune on the sixth. Mercury’s conjunction with Neptune is exact on the 24th.

The imaginal realm is singing to us, as the sirens sang to Ulysses.

How will these watery vibrations affect us? This depends upon on our attitude towards the mysteries of the unconscious. If we have a good relationship with our imagination, turning to it gratefully in sleep and for inspiration when we create, we are likely to thrive under these skies.

Neptune transits signify a crumbling of the sea wall that separates the right hemisphere of the brain from the left. Attempts at logic may be undermined with fantasies, yearnings, spiritual insights and other riches of the deep.

But like scuba divers entering a strange and wondrous realm, we may cop a glimpse of the sublime.

Landscape thanks to Moe Alodah
Trumpeting angel: see
The Siren, by J. W. Waterhouse, 1900
Ulysses and the Sirens, Herbert James Draper, 1909

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.