Nov 2019
Fight or Flight

Venus ingresses into Sagittarius as November begins. Sensitive souls will feel a shift in their relationships.

For the past three weeks, Venus in Scorpio, subtle and covert, has sent us digging for depth in social encounters.

For the coming three weeks, our approach to relationship is more straightforward and extroverted; at best, more generous-spirited.

But there is a restlessness here. Maybe we’ll feel like hitting the highway. Or maybe we’ll feel cramped by relationships that don’t let us hit the highway alone.

Curiously restless

This feeling may be quite poignant when Venus hits Jupiter and squares Neptune (11/14-24). For this week and a half in particular, there’s an urge to take flight.

The heart feels drawn to something, somewhere else; perhaps someone else. But the underlying issue here is universal: our dissatisfaction with mundane existence.

So don’t make the mistake of projecting the transit upon your partner. Flawed s/he may well be, but changing one flawed human being for another doesn’t address the cosmic challenge.

Humans aren’t equipped to embody the yearnings of this T-square. If we use it playfully and knowingly, the transit can inspire lovely romantic gestures. But if we unconsciously expect a person to personify Neptune — here exaggerated by Jupiter — the expectation would rebound in disappointment.

There are plenty of creative ways to channel this sublime mood, by making or enjoying art, for instance, that expresses the soul’s need for freedom.

Essentially, however, the origin of these feelings is spiritual, and is most directly addressed through some kind of meditative practice.

This theme reprises strongly at the Neptune station on Nov 27th.

Stealth and strategy

November’s Sagittarius transits stir our need for independence, but the Sun remains in Scorpio until the 23rd, continuing the mood of emotional intensity. Mercury too remains in Scorpio throughout the month, so the most telling communications are still between the lines.

Mars remains in Libra for the first part of November, the sign most invested in one-on-one dealings (romantic, platonic and business). This transit makes us care about working out problems, ostensibly in a reasonable way.

We should not imagine that we’re motivated by simple fairness, however. When Mars squares Pluto (Nov 4th -6th) our acts are influenced by a download of unconscious urges from the planet of raw power.

This is one of those times when it’s important to acknowledge our true desires. Mars transits tend to backfire when we repress the role of our own ego (see this article). Once Mars enters Scorpio on the 18th, the stealth-and-strategy prevails for the duration of the year.

Many will approach their goals with the cunning of a chess master.



Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.