Dec 2019
Life on the Precipice

The big astrological dramas of 2020 are so close we can feel their warm breath on our necks.

The most impactful of these transits is the Saturn-Pluto conjunction peaking January 12, 2020. It marks the beginning of a decades-long cycle of global consequence (discussed in detail in this lecture).

The Saturn-Pluto conjunction is not arriving alone. It’s lodged within a stellium: a line-up of several planets in one sign (or house). Like all rare configurations, stelliums have vast ripple effects in the history of human events.

The Two Benefics

As December begins, a major piece of the stellium clicks into place. Jupiter enters Capricorn on Dec 2nd, in preparation for the completion of the grouping a month later.

On the 10th-13th – with the Full Moon overhead, no less — Venus in Capricorn will meet up with Saturn and Pluto. For a couple of days we may sense, through our relationships, the nature of the dramas to come.

Another heads-up is the New Moon on Christmas Day. It is an Eclipse (check your chart for the 5th degree of Capricorn). It’s as if the Cosmos were announcing the coming lunar cycle with a double-barreled starting gun.

Every twelve years

Jupiter changes signs once a year; it’s been twelve years since it’s been in Capricorn. Generally, its tenure in this worldly earth sign gives societies an education (Jupiter) in geopolitical and economic issues, and other means of structuring themselves.

Jupiter is a broadening influence, whether that means widening our perspective or expanding our current follies. Take note of where it’s passing in your own chart. The house in question will tip you off as to what this growth is about for you personally. When it aspects natal placements, Jupiter in Capricorn stimulates a dry, practical sort of ambition.

You may get hints about the nature of this growth if you compare this ingress to the one about 12 years ago. Back then, too, you may have found yourself taking on more (Jupiter), all the while keeping your feet on the ground (Capricorn).

Not your father’s Jupiter-in-Capricorn

But of course, everything else is different now. The context here is key.

This time round, Jupiter is entering into the zone that has been warmed up by the Pluto-Saturn conjunction (destruction/ renewal on a societal level), in orb for some months now. Jupiter, the planet of increase, will magnify everything Pluto and Saturn have been pushing in our faces.

The roiling energies already afoot in our wider society and the world (see this webinar) will ramp up a notch. Excess is part and parcel of this collective experience, and many of us will respond by feeling overwhelmed in the months ahead.

Another possibility is that the stark reality of the precipice we are on will jolt people awake, making us more alive.

Our best bet is to expect the former and open up to the latter.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.