Sep 2021
Slip into the Zone

As September begins, relationships may take us to extraordinary places, if we follow the cues.

Whenever a transpersonal planet interacts with a personal one, we get the chance to inject a little magic into everyday experience. The first week of this month is full of these opportunities, as Mars opposes Neptune and Venus squares Pluto.

Urge to dissolve

During the tenure of Mars in Virgo (7/29-9/14), this normally aggressive planet is diligent and task-oriented. It asserts itself through method and technique. In personal relationships, the sensate approach has been working well. (Don’t let the sign’s association with virginity fool you. Like every Earth sign, Virgo is gratified by the five physical senses.)

But when Mars is opposed by Neptune (peaking 9/2), for a couple of days we’ll feel the temptation to leave mere physicality behind. This needn’t mean an abandonment of our bodily needs and responsibilities, but we should at least acknowledge the urge to dissolve particulars and float into a more transcendent state. A certain yearning, usually unconscious, drives our actions.

A similar vibe is in the air in the middle of the month when the Sun opposes Neptune (9/13-14). If you have similar aspects in your natal chart, you will be familiar with this feeling. Something other than willpower is in charge.

But if you’re used to charging in and making things happen, you may have a harder time. We need to be able to handle loosening our grip a bit, otherwise the transit just feels like sloppiness or lassitude. When we let ourselves be guided by something outside the ego and slip into the Zone, Neptune can be downright inspirational, and will inspire relationships accordingly.

Beyond nice

The planet Venus represents the drive to connect, especially strong when in Libra (8/15-9/9). The Sun will also be in Libra after the Equinox on 9/22. This is the sign associated with relationships that are smooth, easy and reciprocal. But when Venus squares Pluto (peaking 9/5) events may arise that take us beyond “nice.” Pluto doesn’t cotton to superficiality.

If we’re just gliding along on the surface with somebody, something may happen to make us feel like ice skaters who have suddenly plunged into the dark cold water. It’s a brief transit, but one designed to acclimate us to Venus’ entry into Scorpio soon afterwards (9/10-10/7). Our criteria for being attracted — to anything: people, things and activities — is going to require more depth.


When Venus squares Saturn (9/16-17), wherever we are with relationships will be tested. This transit echoes the theme established by Saturn through Aquarius (see last month’s SkyWatch).

There’s no need to spook at a brief respite from socializing. A little bit of solitude may come as a relief.


Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.