Oct 2022
Shifts in the Wind

Are you ready to change direction? From the beginning of the month to the end, October is a month of pivots.

Four planets will be changing directions: three go direct (SD) and one goes retrograde (SR). If you are attuned to subtle shifts in the energy field, you will feel them on Oct 2 (Mercury SD), Oct 8th (Pluto SD), Oct 22 (Saturn SD) and Oct 30 (Mars SR).

Backwards and forwards

When a planet is moving backwards from Earth’s point of view, we’re given a chance to dig a little deeper into its symbolism, to absorb its meaning. We get to review how that planet operates, and how we, personally, have been using it. All the better to tweak the mechanism.

Of all the planetary stations (only the Sun and Moon don’t have them) it’s Mercury’s that get the most press, for some reason. Its retrogrades have become a cliché of pop astrology, probably because they are believed to mess up our communications and transportation, so they come in handy when we want to blame something.

A more meaningful way of thinking about Mercury retrograde is to use it to deepen our awareness psychologically and intellectually, even spiritually (as detailed in this article).

The planet is going back over ground it has already recently covered — when it was in that same degree range but moving direct. Now we can remember what happened and think about it from a different angle. We can reinterpret it with more a more inward-facing eye.

Higher mind vs. lower mind

In this cycle, Mercury went retrograde on Sept 9th and began taking us back over lessons it had been teaching us for three weeks prior. What were you up to, communications-wise, during the weeks between 8/21 and 9/10? How were you making connections?

That September station was an unusual one. It happened when Mercury was opposing Jupiter, a tug-of-war between two different sides of our minds (see last month’s SkyWatch).

This inaugurated a retrograde period (ending Oct 2nd) during which we were invited to critique (Virgo) our own mental style. To reassess the way we wrangle data into knowledge.

Pay attention to what happens when Mercury returns to the September retrograde degree, on Oct 17-18th. This is our second shot in a few weeks to balance the automatic and the philosophical mind.

Ideally, whatever happened during those retrograde weeks has been integrated, and we can now carry those lessons forward, intellectually refreshed.

Responsibilities and desires

After Saturn stations (Oct 22nd), any structures you’ve been trying to build will require renewed attention. It’s time to reacquaint yourself with responsibility.

Once Mars stations retrograde (10/ 30 – Jan 12), it is the id that will require scrutiny. Ego assertions, desires and willpower – everything Mars means will be up for review for the next couple of months.

Don’t expect gratification from a retrograde Mars, unless you’re doing the requisite internal work.

The dark god

When Pluto stations on the 8th, it is the process of breakdown that shifts gears.

The dark god has been retrograde since late April, and is now heading direct. Societies have been reeling with the unpleasantness that accompanies the exposure of systemic rot (Capricorn). Individuals have been doing private inventories of what needs to be eliminated.

If you’re not sure where that odor of decay is coming from, check your chart for Pluto’s house placement.

Starting at the direct station, all such deteriorations and regenerations are likely to pick up speed. When the Sun and Venus square Pluto (10/18-22), events may arise, perhaps in relationships, which make it all too clear where there needs to be a purge.

Hold your nose and do the work.



Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from sfastrologicalsociety@gmail.com

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.