Mar 2023
Kill Your Darlings

Everything’s shifting this month. There are no fewer than six ingresses (planets moving out of one sign and into another): Mercury and Saturn both enter Pisces (3/2 and 7), Venus enters her home sign of Taurus (3/16), and Mercury and the Sun enter Aries, back-to-back (3/19/20).

These transitions create undercurrents in the mass vibration which we would do well to accommodate. Life works a lot more smoothly when we align ourselves with what’s already happening.

Life-altering experience

The headliner, of course, is Pluto, which makes its move right after the Equinox. On 3/23 the Dark God enters Aquarius, where it will stay for twenty years. It will retrograde back into Capricorn in June, but not before giving us a glimpse of where the world’s mindset is headed.

If you have planets at the first degrees of the fixed signs, you may feel the shift viscerally. Planets in Taurus and Scorpio will be squared by Pluto, those in Leo will be opposed. The strongest hit of all will be felt by planets around zero Aquarius: these will receive a once-in-a-lifetime conjunction.

You’ll have plenty of time to get wind of what’s needing to be made over. Pluto moves slowly, usually taking more than a year to pass back & forth over a given natal planet. It takes as long as it does because it has a lot to teach.

If your chart’s getting a direct hit, this is a good time to get an astrological reading. You’ll want to milk this experience. But you can’t really miss it, any more than a laboring woman could sleep through childbirth.

The muse and you

March begins with an interesting complex of transits. On the first, Venus and Jupiter conjoin in Aries, a boisterous surge of creative fire. At the same time, Mercury will be conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, steadying the mind. To maximize both influences, approach what’s in front of you with a sober sense of focus, while taking advantage of a fiery growth spurt.

Creative activity is not entirely under our control this month, with Venus being squared by Pluto (3/16) and conjunct Uranus two weeks later (3/30). Sincere artists will welcome these challenges as blessings, as will all who understand inspiration the way the ancients did: as input from the gods.

Writers, dare to “kill your darlings” mid-month. With the conjunction on the 30th, let improvisation carry the day.

Agent provocateur

On March 14-16, Mars will play agent provocateur. Moving direct again, it will square Neptune, Mercury and the Sun. Communications (Gemini) are favored and we may get a lot done, but the restlessness we are feeling is unlikely to be gratified by bustling around.

Instead of frittering away our time in scattered activity, let’s acknowledge that a more soulful drive underlies all this movement. Call it divine discontent, the normative state of Pisces and its planetary ruler, Neptune. The egoic planets want to disappear into the oceanic mind.

These wistful impulses don’t demand anything of us. They just want to be identified. Once named, they tend to peacefully retreat, satisfying something in us deeper than the desire for productivity.

Improvisation No. 30 (Cannons), Vasily Kandinsky, 1913
Tōshūsai Sharaku, 1794




Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.