Jun 2023
All in the Same Boat

June is alive with flutterings, quick shifts, coming-and-goings. As the month begins, the Sun is in Gemini, the sign of birds, butterflies and weathervanes. Especially when Mercury, too, enters mutable air, things can change direction on a dime.

The first half of the month is a time to consider the ways information flows in and out of our lives. It’s time to take stock of our communications. How are we handling wired life? Are we dealing with social media in healthy ways, or is it taking us away from our soul purpose?

When we connect with others, are we really connecting?

In and out

Gemini and its planetary ruler, Mercury, govern the egress and ingress of data. Artificial intelligence is and should be on society’s mind right now. Along with climate change, the Information Revolution (see The Astrology of Tech) is the biggest drama of our era, reaching into every aspect of our collective and personal lives. Its current is flowing along so fast, and it ubiquity is so compelling, that we risk being swept along in the flood without a thought to where it’s taking us.

Our thinking about all this needs to go beyond good-vs.–bad. Transits like these encourage a deeper appraisal. They’re here to remind us that our souls had their reasons for being born into this particular time in history and not some other.

We are children of the internet age and need to find our meaningful place within it.

Watch what you say

We’ll have multiple opportunities this month to give ourselves a reality check, to see how our mental/emotional/ spiritual health is holding up.

Mercury (data flow) will be trining Pluto for much of June, inviting us dive into the implications of being children of the Iphone, in which TMI is no longer considered something to avoid, but has become normalized.

During the first week of the month, when Mercury conjoins Uranus (accelerated technology), the sheer speed of digital life will be in our faces. Mid-month, when Mercury squares Saturn, we’ll be forced to reckon with its limitations.

Saturn (responsibility) will be stationary around that time, asking us to be accountable for what we spew out into the ethers, and to respond with maturity to that which flows back in. Saturn hangs around the 8th degree of Pisces for the whole of June, conjoining the Sun at the end of the month.

Consider any blowback to be an instructive lesson in karma.


The Saturn conjunction arrives after the Sun (6/21) and Mercury (6/26) have entered Cancer, putting the focus on sheltering and safety. The security archetype will show up on both personal and collective levels.

When neighbors feel vulnerable, they may plant a garden to shore up their community’s security, or maybe they a build a childcare center. Or they may build a fence or buy guns. When countries feel vulnerable, maybe they fund homeless shelters. Or maybe they beef up their armaments spending and condemn immigrants (Cancer).

As always, the collective ego of any group is made up of its members. The mass mind rises or falls on the consciousness of its constituents. The way a transit plays out depends upon how awake each us is, to — in this case — the caretaking of ourselves and others (Cancer).

Be on the lookout for self-protective impulses posing as rational. Consider how accepting you are of your own vulnerabilities. Give a thought to any self-nourishing tendencies you may have that don’t really work, but are only there through force of habit;  versus those that really do work, genuinely making you feel safe and comfortable, and which accordingly allow you to give succor to others.

The difference between healthy boundaries and irrational boundaries will be especially obvious when the Sun squares Neptune on the 18th.


Neptune’s teaching of universality will be repeated on the last day of the month, when, like Saturn, it makes a station in Pisces. Like a flood washing away a mud wall, Neptune dissolves the apparent differences between people and things.

Cultural stories about why one group is actionably different from another may be exposed as just plain silly. At best, transits like these make distinctions seem paltry compared to our vast similarities.

As a spiritual teaching, Neptune gives us a chance to transcend separation consciousness. As an egoic experience, however, it may come as a rude surprise about the futility of drawing boundaries.

As always, transits don’t care whether we receive their teachings as good news or bad. Neptune’s message is the same either way. We’re all in the same boat.


Boris Gorelick, The

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from sfastrologicalsociety@gmail.com

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.