Mar 2024
From the Water into the Fire

There’s electricity in the air this month, with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction just over the horizon. This is a major transit, a milestone along the road to the Age of Aquarius.

The sign Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, so the conjunction puts the spotlight on a collective vibe that’s already a flashpoint: Pluto’s arrival in Aquarius. That ingress pushed Aquarius to the forefront, and Mars and Venus gave it extra voltage when they met up with Pluto last month (they remain there through March 11th and 22nd).

Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

The rendezvous of Jupiter (mind expansion) and Uranus (visions of the future), exact on April 20th, has many layers of meaning. For some people it will serve as a bright light of realization, inspiring a release of deadening personal habits.

For others it will provoke a freedom from ideological habits: an iconoclastic rebellion against the dullness of conformity. On a collective level, it symbolizes a piercing illumination, like a lighthouse guiding us through a sea of chaos.

As a societal vibration, Jupiter-Uranus has the power to reignite the thrilling idea of a New Age. We’ll talk about this more in next month’s SkyWatch.


Meanwhile, pay attention to the annual Pisces-Aries clash this month. The difference between these two signs is starker and more abrupt than that between any other zodiacal pair, and every March they’re juxtaposed back to back. The mass mind shifts from the old-soul sensitivity of water into the no-holds-barred vitality of fire.

There are a couple of particularly dreamy Pisces transits just before the Equinox, on March 8th, when Mercury meets up with Neptune, and on the 17th, when the Sun does the same. These conjunctions are the last reminders of their kind, for the year, of how strong the imaginal mind can be.

Glimmers of unity consciousness are more likely now. For some, the floodgates will open up, in an extraordinary receptivity to compassion, grief, and everything in between.

Don’t get lost in the deluge. Allow yourself to drift in these waters in the most creative way possible.

The Equinox

After that, the spirit of the Equinox is upon us. Mercury enters Aries on March 9th, and the collective mind springs into action. On March 19th, the Sun does the same, signaling the first day of Spring in the northern hemisphere. This is the first day of the zodiacal year.

Now is the time to get real with those resolutions you may have made a couple months ago, when the Gregorian calendar said it was a new year. As astro-heads know, January first isn’t the ideal time to instigate new undertakings. Makes more sense to do your instigating when the Sun hits the beginning of the first sign: zero Aries. This degree expresses the eagerness of a horse bursting out of a starting gate.

Depending on what’s going on in your natal chart – whether, for example, you have any planets at the first degrees of cardinal signs — you may feel the engine spark into life. Get ready to roll.

Giuseppe Cades, La astronomía
hippies, Love to Know
Hands with horoscope tool, Hans Holbein the Younger


Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.