May 2024
The Independent Mind

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, exact on April 20th, launched a salvo. The transit announced our entry into a time of accelerated change. Hardly a surprise, to anyone who’s been paying attention.

Transits don’t tell us anything we don’t already know. Like a clock on the wall, they just tell us what time it is. Keeping an eye on celestial time  sheds light on ordinary time, by tethering us to the underlying meaning of events. And the crazier things get, the more we need that tethering.

Some of the changes the world is undergoing right now are appropriate, organic and timely. And some of them are frightening and farcically unhealthy. How to determine the difference? Which aspects of this crazy spinning era should we be accepting, and which rejecting?

This is the question the Jupiter-Uranus transit, in orb throughout May, can help us answer.


Clarion calls are sounding from all quarters of human society: political, ecological, religious and technological. Time-sensitive warnings are being issued daily. Myriad points of view (Jupiter) are vying for our attention, each more urgent (Uranus) than the last.

Think there’s plenty of time to grok the ramifications of The Singularity? Nope, A.I. is racing ahead of all efforts to boundary it in. Can we stay diligent with our recycling and catch our breath with global warming? Not with climate emergency tipping points nipping at our heels. Think your church might offer peace of mind? Not the ones using scripture to tout end-times deadlines.

The Pluto in Capricorn years have rendered all but useless the institutions that used to offer structural mechanisms, e.g. laws and courts, to cope with all this change. The Pluto in Aquarius era has to start from scratch, looking to the People.

Succor from the storm

When social mores (Jupiter) are destabilized (Uranus) to this extent, the only place to find stability is within ourselves. The conjunction is a call for each of us, as individuals, to formulate meaning from the inside out. We can observe what’s on offer, in the outside world, but the buck stops with us. The only views that pass muster are those that match our own sense of integrity.

It’s about working up a sense of right-and-wrong that comes not from an influencer or a prophet or political party line, but from our own integrated body-mind-spirit. We’re all perfectly capable of this, having been born, every one of us, with a Jupiter – the planet of meaning-seeking. And we’re fully equipped to defy the hive mind, when necessary, to accomplish it; we all have a Uranus – the planet of originality.

The timing of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, hot on the heels of the Pluto ingress, tells the tale. This new era is about returning power (Pluto) to the individual (Aquarius), which can’t be accomplished without independent thinkers. It makes sense that the two-decade-long Pluto cycle would start by daring us to declare an independent ethical system.

No small feat, given that the current media cacophony would have us pick sides, like children on the playground.

Election(s) year

The challenge of independent thinking comes against the backdrop of a public discourse more intensely polarized more than at any time in recent memory. Amping up the politicization even further is the fact that it is an election year, all over the world. Sixty-four countries are holding elections in 2024 (besides the American one, there’s Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Mexico, etc.) This is intensifying the polarization that already suffuses .

Citizens of duopolies, like the American one,  are being bombarded with messaging that presumes a black-and-white model: if one candidate is flawed, the other must be above and beyond criticism. This is a dumbed-down way of looking at anything, let alone the plutocratic realities of party machines; and it suffocates the clear thinking demanded by Jupiter-Uranus. But it’s bizarrely seductive. Selecting one of two predetermined teams is easier than considering complexities.

To avoid the zero-sum-game trap, we must first recognize its pull on us. Then, we apply our consciousness tools. There are plenty of them around, including astrology and other symbolic systems that offer ways of looking at the world that transcend the mindset of partisan battles.

The planets have no dog in the fight. They can help us summon up enough mental sobriety to learn the cosmic lessons of our time.

Info overload

On May 26th, Jupiter goes into Gemini, and information floodgates will open even further. The Sun and Venus precede Jupiter into Gemini, 5/20 and 5/23 respectively. We will be awash in data.

Holding onto our core beliefs (Jupiter) in the media deluge will take concentration. But it’s that very concentration that is the point of these transits. They support our efforts to seek over-arching truths in a confetti-like storm of facts, figures and opinions.



Bartolomeo della Gatta, The Annunciation, detail: 1475 – 1500
Trump & queen, Cosmopolitan
Polycrisis, Omega
Rodin, Le Penseur, 1904
Nicoletto da Modena, Mercury,16th c.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.