SkyWatch Jun 2024
Mental Confetti

There’s a lot of Gemini bouncing around this month.

Especially after Mercury’s ingress on June 3rd, the mass mood is clever and skittish. Lovers of variety and wit will be energized under these skies. Language is more fun than usual.

People’s minds are running thoughts with usual ease, so social interactions may feel more fluid. This is especially true the first part of the month, with Venus in Gemini until June 16th. Ideas take on an aesthetic quality, shimmering with flavor and color.

Take advantage of this creative potential, especially on 6/4, when Venus and Mercury aspect the Sun and Jupiter. Writer or not, you can allow your linguistic artistry free range.


Buzzing mind

The downside of all this mental agility is being scattered. Gemini (multiplicity) exaggerates the danger we already face, in our wired world, of drowning in data. If you’re addicted to keeping up with even the most trivial of soundbites, be especially careful this month.

The transit will make information management a necessity. The vast array of opinions available in our ADHD-afflicted culture is at fever pitch.  To stay balanced, we need to be selective with what we say, read and hear.

During the first part of June, especially, watch the flow of thoughts as they stream in and out. The beauty of Gemini is the breadth and volume of information it ushers into our minds (air).


Stay balanced

But Gemini’s specialty is quantity. The quality part is up to us. What we take in needs to align with our body awareness (earth), intuitive feeling (water), and sense of meaning (fire).

Use the transits of Saturn with this goal in mind. A nice, firm, disciplinary square with Venus and Mercury (6/8-12) and a trine with Mercury (6/26) can curb the onslaught, helping us pay attention to what’s really important.

Remember that the Goddess didn’t invent Gemini just to keep us on top of the news. Nor to flatter our cleverness.

She created Gemini to connect us with our environment, and to rectify our ignorance.



Solstice shifts

Towards the end of the month, the mass vibration shifts dramatically. The Solstice is on the 20th this year, just before the Full Moon. It zeroes in on the first degree of cardinal signs.

Then, on June 29th there’s a station of Saturn, heading retrograde from 19½ Pisces. It’s nearing the end of its tenure in the sign of mists and waters. It won’t be back for three decades, so we’ll want to use it wisely.

For more than a year now, we’ve been grappling with the paradox of building form (Saturn) out of formlessness (Pisces), like a filmmaker trying to build a product out of a running flow of images.


Work it on out

Especially if you have planets at the 20th degree of mutable signs, you’re being asked to take something maddeningly elusive – like grief, or compassion, or free-floating anxiety – and get a handle on it. This doesn’t necessarily mean “cure” it. It means notice it/ define it/ get out of denial about it.

To see what needs to be clarified, check which of your houses Saturn is transiting through. This is the part of your psyche that needs to mature. Once you know this, the task is far easier. Now you know what to work on.

If Saturn is aspecting your Venus, maybe a relationship needs to be firmed up. If it’s your Moon, the buck stops with your moods and needs. If it’s your Mars, you’re being asked to take more responsibility for your actions. Wherever Pisces falls in your chart, do some serious delusion-busting.

Not easy, you say? It’s not supposed to be. Saturn work is hard. But once it’s taken on, we feel more grown-up.  We’re relieved of some of our youthful insecurities.

In this sense Saturn is, ironically, a planet of freedom.

Aristotle tutors Alexander the Great. From Animals and their Uses, 13th c.
Astrologische Bibliothek, Band IV, Karl Brandler-Pracht (1930)
Six of Cups, Tarot of the Holy Light, Christine Payne-Towler & Michael Dowers
Astrologer, from Astrolabium Planum, by Johann Engel, 1494 ed.


Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.