SkyWatch August 2024
Hold Your Horses

The big milestone this month is the series of mutable squares, spearheaded by Jupiter and Saturn. The two gas giants are exactly 90° apart on August 19th, and then again in December.

Especially hard hit will be those charts with planets in the middle degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This includes those of Donald Trump, and the USA itself (Sibly chart).

Daddy complex

The group entity that is the USA (see Soul-Sick Nation) has this square natally. Jupiter (increase) and Saturn (decrease) are perennially at odds in the mass mind. Since Jupiter is conjunct the country’s Sun, we identify with Jupiter at the expense of Saturn. “Growth is always great!” says the American psyche. “Nothing should stand in its way.” Saturn (limitation, authority, rules), which squares the Sun, is seen as the bad guy.

Any aspect between these two planets indicates an ongoing struggle between the urge for independence (Jupiter) and the need for authority (Saturn). The USA’s square makes us like a teenager still rebelling from Dad: King George III.

An unresolved Saturn can also show up as a fear & loathing of aging, a blindspot American society is famous for.

Moreover, an over-dominant Jupiter can manifest in the naive belief that more/ faster/ bigger is the path to happiness. This is the premise of capitalism, a system based on the expectation that growth could and should continue indefinitely, like a bubble that will never pop.

Push and pull

The answer to the dilemma, as always, is balance. We open ourselves up to their true teachings of planetary archetypes when we view them as value-neutral. This attitude is especially useful when it comes to Saturn, which, despite its doleful reputation is no more negative than Jupiter. Contraction and expansion are equally essential universal principles.

But they represent conflicting trajectories, and right now they are geometrically at odds. With the square upon us now, a bristling stress builds up between the urge to reach out and the urge to hold back. Our best best is to recognize these two impulses as equally valid, each operative in a different sphere of our life.

Identify the two houses being transited. Whatever part of your chart Saturn is passing through, that’s where you’re being cajoled to buckle down and get serious. You’ve probably already been feeling the urge to stabilize these activities, to get organized, and make do with less. If you don’t voluntarily scale back, the outside world may step in, and force you to.

A quarter of your chart away, Jupiter will be egging you on. Its lessons apply to a different realm of your life, a realm where you’re feeling the urge to boldly venture forth. Here’s where you might feel like Alice after she ate the magic cake, and grew so big that her elbow stuck out of the white rabbit’s chimney.

If you acknowledge both urges, the push-&-pull will feel less frustrating. You’ll come to find creative ways to resolve that tension.

Balancing act

Address both Saturn and Jupiter this month, the way a driver accepts (hopefully) the need for both green and red traffic lights. Factoring in the signs involved, we might find ourselves expanding our field of communications (Gemini), while being mindful of their subtle impact on our psyche (Pisces).

This is a period of taking risks, but with accountability.

from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, John Tenniel
Two gas giants: Earthworks Astrology
Jupiter-Saturn square, i-fate

Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.

Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.

Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.