Take Back Your Jupiter

Crises arise for a host of cosmic reasons. Astrologers figure out what these reasons are by taking apart the pieces of planetary configurations, like this month’s cardinal cross. The fact that most of us are in the throes of individual crises right now is not a surprise to anyone who’s been following this transit. Each […]

Apr 2014
The Path through the Woods

Right now a lot of people are feeling like a character in a fairy tale, making their way through a dark forest. Remember how these stories sometimes featured an old beggar woman, or a troll or talking animal, who showed up to offer the hero a sword of invincibility or a magic cloak? Often the […]

The Most Important Moment

The first moment of a cycle is its most important moment. What the sky is doing at the moment a baby takes its first breath encodes the child’s lifelong potential. The first few days of the lunar cycle set the tone for the entire month.1 And the first month of a given year encapsulates the […]

The Wolves

Astrologers have their eyes on Mars right now, as we will for the rest of this winter and spring. The warrior planet is tightrope-walking back and forth across the degree range occupied by Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. The kick-off of this riff was Christmas Eve, when Mars opposed Uranus in a debut as emphatic as […]

Nothing Personal

Just in time for the holiday shopping season, we have the latest trend in American race bias: “shop-and-frisk,” the profiling of customers of color. Retail racism is, of course, an American tradition. Some of the most iconic images in our history of bigotry are of the segregated soda fountain. Now the debate has moved uptown. […]

Cosmic Echoes

The sky remembers. Unlike us ADD-addled human persons, the sky has an impeccable memory. Right now it’s thinking about 2010 and 11. 2010 was the year environmentalism made a soaring leap into the mass consciousness, thanks to the assembling Uranus-Pluto square and its supporting players. The scales started falling from many eyes that Spring, when […]

Grand Slam

A few days ago a skeptical acquaintance said to me, “Well, here we are almost at the end of 2012 — the year that was supposed to be so dire!” I think she meant that, despite the prophecies she’d read about on the internet, everything was just fine. I thought, Are you kidding me?

Sep 2011
Got to Serve Somebody

The Sun’s in Virgo and the Moon’s in Pisces at the Full Moon on September 12th. Both are misunderstood signs, so this lunation can be hard to deal with.

We all have to cope with the blind spots of our cultural conditioning. It isn’t that Pisces and Virgo are inherently any more difficult an opposition than any other zodiacal pair; it’s that our society doesn’t value the impulses they represent.

Aug 2011
Befriend the Month Ahead

I don’t have to tell you, dear reader, that there’s nothing like astrology for knowing which way the wind is blowing. Not just in our own individual life, but knowing the meaning of the storms we’re all being buffeted by together right now, during this thrilling, surreal, crazy-making epoch.

Personality Politix

It’s that time again. Soon the American airwaves will be bristling with round-the-clock coverage of the 2012 campaigns.

Ambitious candidates are getting ready to hit the ground running, with their staffs of strategists, chauffeurs and stylists. TV executives and advertisers are licking their chops at the guaranteed spike in viewership, as they prepare to spend a year and a half convincing the public that nothing exists in this big, wide, troubled world outside of the American presidential election.