Citizen Suspects

Our long hot summer began when Jupiter conjoined the Sun within hours of the summer Solstice. Then it started kicking the Uranus-Pluto square into gear, which it’ll be doing on and off through next Spring. This is the longest-lasting trigger the Cross has seen since Saturn played that role in 2010. When Mars, too, enters this […]

Mar 2012
Sea Hunt

The influence of Pisces is all-encompassing right now. People with a lot of water in their charts will be responding to it especially strongly, but every one of us is submerged in it.

January 2010
Ready, Get Set… GO

The period we’ re in is so dramatic, it is downright cinematic –documented not only by astrologers and ancient seers, but by makers of Hollywood blockbusters.1 For a decade now it has been getting more and more obvious to more and more people that we are living in a very unusual period on Planet Earth. As we sweep away the confetti and champagne corks and face the dawn of 2010, let us consider what’s in front of us.

We are beginning not just any old year, but the year when the Cardinal Cross peaks for the first time.

Mid-month features a surge of energy. Saturn’s station on January 13th, just hours before the Solar , just hours before the Solar Eclipse

Whose Tradition?

The squeeze is on. The Saturn-Pluto square, which has been building for several months, has now hit the 90-degree point. With Saturn freshly arrived in Libra and clicking into formation with Pluto at the second degree of Capricorn, the defining aspect of the Cardinal Cross is now in place.

Eclipse of the Heart

Everybody I know is heavy’d-out right now, which I see as very encouraging. It’s Eclipse Season. If you’re feeling the intensity permeating the atmosphere it means you’re not shut down.

The first lunation of this series was at the Solstice last month, when the Sun was in its full-throttle summer dignity. (The word solstice derives from the Latin [sol]+ stare [to stand].