Apr 2012
Mars: Foe or Ally

As April begins, Mars is completing one of its relatively rare forays into retrogradation.Since Jan. 23the red planet has been climbing back down through the sign of Virgo.

Iran Amok

I guess you could say March came in like a lion… if the lion was brain-damaged, gynophobic and high on meth.

In the USA, Republicans reinvigorated the 19th-century war on birth control, Rush Limbaugh called a Democratic law student a slut,

Mar 2012
Sea Hunt

The influence of Pisces is all-encompassing right now. People with a lot of water in their charts will be responding to it especially strongly, but every one of us is submerged in it.

Fog Fight

Is there a lot of kvetching in your life right now? It wouldn’t be surprising, given that Mars is in Virgo, and retrograde to boot. This transit is great for editing and tweaking: incremental reform. But if unconsciously channeled, it makes us prickly and irritable. In Virgo, Mars’s default is fuss and worry.

Feb 2012
Water, Water Everywhere

It is a once-in-168-year event. In a year chockfull of world-altering transits, it is one of the most important. The god of the sea is inaugurating a thirteen-year-long shift in the way we look at water.

Dead Giants


Astrologers have been talking about the Uranus-Pluto square for so long that we risk forgetting to be amazed when its energies play out the way they have. The momentous uprisings and financial turbulence with which the transit expressed itself in 2011 were such exact illustrations of the planetary..

Jan 2012
Be the Future

jan pic1

Now begins a calendar year that’s been well worked over before it was born. Variously interpreted eschatological imagery and dubious pop culture prophecies have been pouring forth for years now, exploiting poor 2012 like an MGM child star. Now that it’s here, let’s separate the hype from the essential meanings that underlie it.

Dec 2011
Ring Them Bells

This Solstice season, bells are tolling for the death of the Old Paradigm. You can hear them all over the globe.

The shifts they signal are too profound to stay local, or national. The changes upon us right now are not confined to either the First World or the Third World; the Northern of the Southern hemisphere; the 99% or the 1%.

Tent City

It was when Mars (anger, militancy) opposed Neptune (confusion, pretense) as it was turning direct, just before November’s Full Moon, that the tide began to turn.


Nov 2011
Coming Home

Get your yellow highlighter out. It’s time to mark your calendar; the Full Moon this month is a stand-out.

First off, it peaks on the eve of eleven-eleven-eleven. Eleven is considered a master number in numerological tradition. Even just one eleven is enough to raise the eyebrows of those who assign to numbers a numinous significance. As the lunar cycle peaks, we will get the power of eleven iterated by three, itself considered a perfect number by the ancients.