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Coming Back Home to the Cosmos: Humanity’s Re-embrace of the Feminine

"Patriarchy is best understood as the 5,000-year birth-canal of the Great Mother Goddess." -- Richard Tarnas, at the Cycles and Symbols III Conference, San Francisco February 1997 A long, long time ago, the cosmic creation force was seen as female: the spark of life that had begun the Universe was likened to a biological mother giving birth. The earth, which fed everybody, was seen as maternal. People saw her caves as wombs, and buried their dead back within the belly of the Mother, vagina-like cowry shells clutched in their hands.

Physics vs. Metaphysics: A False Divide

<i>"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world."</i>  --Rumi
The physicist Will Keepin, a scientist with a distinctly metaphysical bent, has organized the objections he hears to astrology into two categories: the first being the claim that there is no evidence for astrology, and the second being the claim that there is no theoretical mechanism for it.
The no-evidence claim is invalidated by the much-touted studies of Michel Gauquelin, who began with a quest to disprove astrological correlations and ended up compiling reams of data validating them. Whether all this statistical corroboration is relevant, however, is perhaps a more interesting question than whether it exists. It must be stated up front that astrology has a preeminent spiritual component, and any attempt to reduce a numinous symbolic system to patterns of numbers has built-in problems. At the very least, much will be lost in translation.
Attempting to answe
"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world."  --Rumi The physicist Will Keepin, a scientist with a distinctly metaphysical bent, has organized the objections he hears to astrology into two categories: the first being the claim that there is no evidence for astrology, and the second being the claim that there is no theoretical mechanism for it.