Americans have trouble understanding that what comes up must come down. The collective entity that is the USA has Jupiter (inflation, increase) conjunct the Sun. Everyone surely realizes, at this point, that what was happening before the housing bubble burst last fall was crazy and fraudulent; yet the media is still talking about “prices returning to normal.” What standard of normalcy
Mercury, Mars and Venus are now in Taurus. This is the sign that governs things of worth. In the American mind, this archetype translates, simplistically and emphatically, as money. Meanwhile, Pluto (destruction) is still almost exactlyopposed to the US Venus (values). The country as a collective intelligence is confronting some very ugly truths about its use of resources.
Most of us have the sense that something big is happening in the world right now. What’s going on in the sky certainly spells this out, especially the part about Neptune (universality) conjoining Jupiter (expansiveness). But a closer look at the meaning of this pair suggests that this Big Something we feel happening is more than big. It’s a different
The transit of the year is coming to a head. As the Aquarius conjunction gears up for its peak (May 27th through the 31st) on the US Moon, Americans find themselves contemplating an ethical controversy of the classic American type. Illogic mixed with outraged bluster is creating a tempest of feigned righteousness. Is Pelosi lying, or is the CIA lying?
Everybody’s talking nice aboutgreening the economic recovery (if “recovery” is the right word for the ongoing suicide of free-market capitalism). At the recent G20 summit in London there was plenty of lip service paid to emissions trading to reduce greenhouse gases. The trouble is, several of the signatory governments are getting cold feet; Uncle Sam being a notable example.
“Smithfield Farms.” The name invokes green pastures, happy cows and sweet pink pigs milling around under a blue sky in Pennsylvania or Kansas. But it is in La Gloria, Veracruz, Mexico that we find the “Smithfield Farms” plant associated with the first case of Swine Flu. The four-year-old boy who is believed to be its ground-zero victim lives near the
I have an image in my head that features Pluto as Santa Claus. He’s just arrived in the state of Capricorn, and he’s sitting there benevolently on his Santa chair. We sky-watchers are lined up at the velvet rope, waiting to sit on his knee and tell him our fondest hopes about what we want out of the next sixteen
As Pluto (breakdown) continues to oppose the US Venus/Jupiter (beliefs about money), received wisdom is taking a beating in the USA. And as the economy implodes, Neptune (disillusion), Chiron (wounds) and Jupiter (make that big wounds) are hitting the US Moon (the public mood). Those Americans who have their eyes open are getting the sense that everything they were taught to believe about
With every month that passes, it’s becoming more important to stay clear-headed. Things are moving very fast, and we need to know what’s going on. We need to devise, quite deliberately, mechanisms to stay tuned in to truth. The news on TV is not where we will get the truth. (Let’s not even talk about commercial radio. That whole medium
Any skywatchers who have ever been enchanted and perplexed by the elusive planet Neptune are in luck. Its myriad mysteries are being writ large by the rare transit now looming in the sky. Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune are joining forces in a conjunction that peaks for the first time on May 27th. Everything you associate with Neptune, the god of dreams
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.