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Are we ready to plunge back in?

Covid is surging in Asia and South America, but in the USA people are champing at the bit to venture forth, lose our house flab and get our muscles back.

Will this include our mental and moral muscles? We’ll need them, given our state of disunion.

From astrology’s point of view, the current American culture clash is not about polarized ideologies. It’s about the fact that we’re in a steep learning curve, symbolized in part by the Saturn-Uranus square: a conflict between the planet of change and the planet of stasis.… click here to continue reading.

Reality Bites

They’re coming at us right out of the gate, as 2021 begins: cosmic echoes of 2020.

In astrology, the calendar year doesn’t have a singular beginning. Cycles overlap, bleeding one into another. New lessons begin against the backdrop of old ones. The cosmos is saying: You want to know what’s going to happen? Assimilate what you’ve just been through.

It’ll be easier, now that it’s behind us, to look at the infamous year just past.… click here to continue reading.


Whether he wins or loses, we’re not off the hook.

First of all, Election Day won’t be just a day long, thanks to the GOP’s blood-curdlingly cynical campaign against non-existent “voter fraud,” their attacks on the post office and polling stations, and Trump’s Oh-yeah?-Make-me! approach to leaving the White House if he loses.

These stunts are no more or less than the perilous logical extension, as Jelani Cobb says, of all that his tenure has been about.… click here to continue reading.

Call the Midwives

The writing has been on the astrological wall for years.

It tells us that systems of governance are breaking down so they can be cleaned up, reshuffled and made over. It’s a natural process, and a healthy one.

But we’re probably feeling like dust motes in a windstorm. When we’re in the thick of a Pluto transit, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that destruction is part of a greater cycle.… click here to continue reading.

Built for This

Spike Lee is on fire. He has two new releases out, one short and one long, just in the past month.

Both films place American racism in historical context. Both are redolent with anguished  humanity. Their timing is so spot-on, given the firestorm unleashed by the killing of George Floyd, that people are calling it uncanny.

But prescience like this is as organic as picking up a scent from the breeze.… click here to continue reading.

With Different Eyes

Whatever sign it’s in, Saturn uses absence as a teaching tool.

Saturn (lack, negation) moved into the Air element in March.(1) This was when the quarantine was at the point where, for some of us, a stolen breath of fresh air had taken on a new poignancy.

We are being reminded that we are oxygen-breathing animals.

Articles are coming out by immunologists and psychologists about the dangers of being cut off from sunlight and fresh air, but their warnings are hardly necessary.… click here to continue reading.

Alive Right Now

In the biggest crisis since WWII, humanity is mustering its forces against a very small, very formidable villain.

But this time, an organized global response has failed to arise. The U.N. Security Council is MIA. The G20 is in the hands of a murderous Saudi prince.

And Uncle Sam, once the great architect of Pax Americana, is ground zero for the losing side.

In charge is a guy who’s less like a president than one of those huge balloons with flailing arms outside a used car dealership.… click here to continue reading.

The God of Hidden Things

We knew something was going to blow. For years now, astrologers saw that 2020 would be a year like no other.

We didn’t know that the transits would show up as a 21st-century plague. That was the blank that got filled in.

The offending microbe is a lot like Pluto, isn’t it? A teeny tiny little critter whose power is way out of proportion to its size.

Covid-19 is like the god of the Underworld himself, who, with his helmet of invisibility, can destroy great swaths of the world and make them over from scratch.… click here to continue reading.

Not Okay, Boomer

There are many layers of meaning to the virus crisis, from the political to the esoteric, and we’ll be looking at some of them in upcoming blogs.

Approaching the pandemic from a plurality of angles is our best bet right now. It’s a bad idea to cleave to a preferred ideology, or to glom onto the expert opinion of the week. Things are moving too fast.

The more flexible our mind is, the less likely it is that harmful energies will take it over.… click here to continue reading.

In the Darkness of the Cave

“If Ronald Reagan’s presidency was a tragedy, then Trump’s is history repeating itself as farce.” — Noam Chomsky

How do we talk about the sordid drama underway in Washington?

The conventional media can only offer up its anesthetized talking heads, who seem as eviscerated by futility as the politicians themselves. Helplessly locked in position, like trench soldiers in stalemate.

Better we should turn to poetry and myth, if meaning is what we want.… click here to continue reading.