The new year begins with the Mars-Pluto opposition reaching the exact minute of arc. If your chart features the first degree of fixed signs are getting it between the eyes. It may be showing up as a conflict that feels like a life-and-death battle…
Get ready to pivot. Venus & Jupiter station the first week of September, and Mercury stations midway through the month. These changes of direction signal subtle shifts in the atmosphere – or not-so-subtle, for those with natal planets in their path. Then comes the Equinox (9/22), when we get a shift of a different kind. […]
Saturn, the planet of grown-up thinking, is moving through a sign that believes in fairies. Since just before the summer Solstice, Saturn (realism) has been inching backwards in early Pisces (the otherworldly and uncanny). In August it occupies the same degrees it was in two months ago. As the month begins, it opposes Mercury; as […]
Pluto has retrograded back into Capricorn, revisiting the last couple of degrees of the sign. Like a hunting dog chasing the rabbit back over its own tracks, Pluto will make a few loops before it moves in for the kill. Pluto demands that we identify the issues of the current sign before it moves on […]
June is alive with flutterings, quick shifts, coming-and-goings. As the month begins, the Sun is in Gemini, the sign of birds, butterflies and weathervanes. Especially when Mercury, too, enters mutable air, things can change direction on a dime. The first half of the month is a time to consider the ways information flows in and […]
On May Day, Pluto makes its first station since arriving in its new home, Aquarius. Whenever a planet seems (from Earth’s point of view) to stop in the sky, it temporarily takes over the solar system. For days on end, it pumps energy into that one degree of the zodiac: in this case, zero Aquarius. […]
How y’all doing with Pluto in Aquarius? It slid into this new territory a few days after the Equinox last month, when the solar year and the lunar cycle were both brand new. On a collective level, Pluto’s new placement heralds a reckoning with the Tech Revolution and the nature of intelligence. Still in the […]
Everything’s shifting this month. There are no fewer than six ingresses (planets moving out of one sign and into another): Mercury and Saturn both enter Pisces (3/2 and 7), Venus enters her home sign of Taurus (3/16), and Mercury and the Sun enter Aries, back-to-back (3/19/20). These transitions create undercurrents in the mass vibration which […]
Are you feeling that end-of-an-era vibe? Pluto (breakdown) is now in the last two degrees of Capricorn (social fabric). Since 2008 it has been destabilizing collective structures and certainties; this month is its last hurrah. This is the last time in our lifetimes when we’ll experience this transit, so let’s do our best to understand […]
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.