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Mar 2011
Come Hell or High Water

For at least part of the month of March, six planets will be in Pisces; the sign of confusion or bliss, depending on how we approach it. We’ll have the choice to either float on top of the chaos or drown in it. It all depends on how well we understand this most elusive of signs. Pisces is said to govern illusion; but it also promises to steer us through illusion, all the way to the other side...

Feb 2011
Leaking at the Seams

This month we’ll get a cosmic lesson about leakage (Neptune), making me wonder whether the ongoing saga of WikiLeaks will take another turn. The explosive (Uranus) and taboo (Pluto) nature of this juicy international (Jupiter) drama has made Julian Assange a major star, which is what happens when somebody is plugged into the world moment.

As we will see, Assange is a Uranus-Neptune-Pluto figure. Natally and by transit, he represents the disruptive and uncontainable energies of the three outer planets, all of which threaten the status quo (Saturn). The relationship between these three archetypes is hinted at by their placement in the solar system: Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all orbit beyond Saturn, the planet of law and order. Saturn governs that which is in-bounds; the planets beyond

Things Start Breakin' Down

The Longest Arm of the Cross, the transit of revolutionary (Uranus) and deep-structure (Pluto) change, is upon us. APTOPIX Mideast Egypt Protest

The rebellion in Tunisia has spread to Egypt. Yemen is seething, Jordan is restive, and the Saudi royals are getting very nervous. As the resentment among the populations of these long-simmering Arab states boils over, the Uranus-Pluto square feels far less theoretical than it did even a few weeks ago. We are watching, in real time, the clash between ordinary people (Uranus) and the...

Disaster in Deep Water

It was apparent right away that what happened on April 20th in the Gulf of Mexico was no ordinary oil spill. Within days, the disaster moved through several meaning changes in the public mind: from that of an accident brought on by the failure of a mechanical device, to that of an example of how government fails to regulate oil companies, to that of a call to reevaluate our position on travesties against Nature.

The skies under which the Deep Water rig went down indicate to astrologers that disturbing questions are meant to be asked, right now, about the way we live in today’s world. It was a literal explosion that triggered an even more far-reaching kind of explosion: one of collective consciousness

Dr Kunkle's Kerfluffle

You may have heard, dear reader, about the recent alarm raised by an astronomer on NBC, since gone viral, that has led astro-philes everywhere to worry that their Sun signs have been misdiagnosed.

Dr Kunkle (after whom I hope they name the next new planet, if not the next search engine) has pronounced that “The 12 signs were designated to different periods of the year almost 3,000 years ago, when astrology began, and since then the Earth's position in relation to the Sun has changed.” Well, yes, that’s true. That’s why we have a sidereal zodiac and a tropical zodiac.

In the Belly

I love Imbolc, halfway between the winter solstice and the upcoming equinox. It’s a neither-fish-nor-fowl time of year; a bare flicker of a sabbat, as tentative as the new green shoots contemplating their debut above the crust of the soil. It was once a holy day, as were all seasonal turning points in the Great Wheel...

Jan 2011
Sharpening Our Attention

Would you like to sharpen your attention in 2011? This is a New Year’s resolution that would be warmly received by the cosmos, judging by what the planets are up to. The New Moon on January 4th is the best day to send your intention forth. It’s an Eclipse, making it a doubly appropriate time to visualize a new beginning. And it is the day that Jupiter and Uranus re-conjoin to the degree of arc, setting the tone for the year to come

<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-family: Arial; font-size: 16px;"><span style="font-family: Arial;"><img src="" alt="" width="240" height="160" /></span></span>Would you like to sharpen your attention in 2011? This is a New Year’s resolution that would be warmly received by the cosmos, judging by what the planets are up to. The New Moon on January 4th is the best day to send your intention forth. It’s an Eclipse, making it a doubly appropriate time to visualize a new beginning. And it is the day that Jupiter and Uranus re-conjoin to the degree of arc, setting the tone for the year to come</p>
<p><span style="color: #800000;">[The full Skywatch will be available on the first of the month.]</span></p>

Filthy Lucre

There's an unsavory aroma in the air. As Mercury meets up with Pluto (decay), both opposing the USA’s Jupiter (increase) and Venus (wealth), money's on the mass mind..

As the conjunction opposed the USA’s Jupiter (increase) and Venus (money), the Fed announced a new scheme to buy up government debt that it has dubbed “Quantitative Easing”. It’s a trillion-dollar program that Ben Bernanke wants us to know is not what it looks like – i.e. printing money out of thin air. Jon Stewart had this to say: “Oh right, Ben. We’re not printing money; we’re imagineering money.”
It is not only the US that’s in trouble, of course. National borders mean nothing to Pluto, whose entry into Capricorn in 2008 inaugurated the financial crisis. The Uranus-Pluto square, exact seven times between 2012 and 2016, is wreaking havoc everywhere on Earth, rooting out corrupt monetary systems and exposing Big Money’s smoke-and-mirror games wherever they are to be found.
The Eurozone’s currency crisis is spinning out of control. The bailout of Ireland, only so recently the proud Celtic Tiger, has deepened suspicion worldwide that the Euro is crumbling. The dollar is in deeper trouble. America’s Saturn Return (stringent challenges) in the tenth house (international credibility) is peaking through 2011, giving credence to the predictions that the dollar will lose its status as the global reserve currency.
The International Monetary Fund is fully aware that the USA is broke, but seems to be hoping nobody reads its reports. . And since any mention of taxes is career death for politicians, and the mass media only reports the nonsense they do mention, most Americans seem to have no idea that keeping taxes at their current level rate is fiscal suicide.
The global scenario is one of self-destructive debt (Pluto), un-tethered speculation (Uranus) and increasingly unavoidable austerity (Saturn) – all of it increasingly associated with banks. As far as profits are concerned, the bankers are coming out on top, as they always have; but in the collective mind they are coming to be seen as the villains. Hollywood, always a good indicator of the public mood, is once again putting out movies with evil Gordon Gecko characters. The difference is that, in the ‘80s, the anti-mantra ascribed to Wall Street -- “greed is good” – was presented as a shocking fictional conceit, an outrageous bit of dark humor. Since Pluto entered Capricorn, it has been borne out by real-life events; and no one’s laughing.
As Mars gets ready to join Mercury in its opposition to the US Jupiter (exact Dec 13th and 14th), an outpouring of public outrage has erupted over the linking of unemployment benefits to tax cuts for the rich. The Republicans may have overplayed their hand this time; not just because the proposal flies in the face of ethical logic (Jupiter), but because the theory has been shown not to work – the first and last criterion under a Saturn Return. Since the Bush cuts went into effect in 2001, all that predicted trickling has gone up, not down. On the other hand, it did work in terms of its plutocratic intent: the richest 1% of the country has already scored about a trillion dollars since the breaks began
And it is working in terms of its cosmic intent, too: ordinary people (Uranus) all over the world are smartening up about where the power lies (Pluto). These transits will continue to strip off the veils.

Our terminology around money says a lot about our ambivalent feelings about it. Money is associated in vernacular English with pollution and corruption: we speak of people being "dirt poor," for example, and "filthy rich)....