In DonnieWorld, the worst sin is being boring. But boring is what that speech was, the State-of-the-DisUnion one he gave the other day. As Ryan Broderick says, he’s not even making up new lies anymore. A month into his second run, the man’s scorecard has not been stellar. Most notably, that ugly performance with Zelensky […]
Where to even begin, right? The man promised to play the dictator “on day one,” but I don’t think any of us realized his dismantling of the US government would be this swift and vicious. And crude as a bag of rocks. He has followed Steve Bannon’s directive to the letter, “flooding the zone with […]
That photo summed it up, didn’t it? A burning Musk truck in front of the Orange One’s hotel. Thus were gobsmacked Americans introduced, on the first day of the year, to the new era. The Las Vegas suicide bomber and the New Orleans crowd-smasher chose the same day to personify the big transit of the […]
Uncle Sam is traumatized. Even those on the winning side, although they may feel giddy with victory, are on dangerous psychological ground. Let’s take a deep breath and cop some astrological perspective. Astrology is helpful, first and foremost, because it’s a reminder that everything changes. Transits keep transiting; everything is a phase. This is something […]
At the moment, half of America is on a Harris high. … the Harris phenomenon: the synchronization of a Democratic party energized by its sudden escape from a looming debacle with a media and entertainment apparatus eager for a new narrative and naturally inclined to favor any candidate not named Donald Trump.” — Ross Douthat […]
Any other boomers out there experiencing acute déjà vu? As children of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction, the transit that radicalized our generation, many of us are getting flashbacks from the Gaza protests happening right now. We might be remembering the Oscars in 1978 when Vanessa Redgrave caused such a stir, speaking out against Zionist extremists. The […]
As the US presidential election looms ever closer, Jupiter and Uranus are conjoining in the sky. The mass mood is agitated, electric, prickly. Will we meet this moment with insight and enthusiasm, or with frazzled burn-out? It depends on our understanding of the forces at play. Uranus, the planet of disruptive change, signifies the sense […]
There was an earthquake last night here in San Francisco. It felt like the Earth was shuddering from the violence occurring on the other side of the globe. It was the eve of the Blood Moon. Full Moons like this are said to bring to light to that which has been lying dormant. The light […]
Until the end of the year, Pluto is back in Capricorn, the sign of skulls and spines. Like a drunk staggering up to the bar for one more round, the dark god is retrograding back to the degree of the US Pluto Return, the transit that’s melting the country’s bones. What’s happening to Uncle Sam […]
Where I live, in San Francisco, the sky is roaring with war planes. Fleet Week is upon us. Every year, tourists come into town to watch the magnificent men in their lethal flying machines. An air force tradition from the days when American superpowerdom was undisputed, the show seems to recall a simpler time, when […]
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” looks at the Saturn-Neptune conjunction through the 12 houses. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Available from
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.