Eclipse season began with the New Moon of June first. This month’s Skywatch discusses the series of squares taking place from Neptune in Pisces, the Great Dissembler. I thought of this ingress last weekend when I heard about the yogi Swami Ramdev, whose protest against corruption in government took a Neptunian turn. Accosted by the police during his hunger strike,
I do not have the stars-and-stripes flapping in the breeze this Spring evening. I don't have my "We're Number One" teeshirt on. I’m not giddy with jubilation about my country shooting Osama bin Laden in the face. President Obama claims that “justice was done;” seeming to gloss over the associations the word justice has with charges, public trials, evidence and so
It’s that time again. Soon the American airwaves will be bristling with round-the-clock coverage of the 2012 campaigns. Ambitious candidates are getting ready to hit the ground running, with their staffs of strategists, chauffeurs and stylists. TV executives and advertisers are licking their chops at the guaranteed spike in viewership, as they prepare to spend a year and a half
The confetti had barely been swept up in town squares all over the world after the triumph in Egypt. The American public was distracted elsewhere, trying to find a job, or keep a job. And suddenly we were in another war. Word was buzzing around the blogosphere that a post-March 11th natural disaster was likely
The human family is home, at any given time, to exactly the right heroes, geniuses and saints to keep itself balanced and alive on its checkered evolutionary journey. And when it is in crisis, it gives rise to Cassandras. Our epoch is chockablock with them. Some of them even announced the very date of the earthquake in Japan.
The revolution has reached Wisconsin. All in the scope of a bare few weeks, the world's mind has been blown by the jasmine rallies (see new lecture, Uranus Squared) in the Middle East and Africa, student protests in the U.K. and anti-government eruptions in China and Pakistan; among other uprisings all over the globe. The world-altering transits that have kept astrologers buzzing
The Longest Arm of the Cross, the transit of revolutionary (Uranus) and deep-structure (Pluto) change, is upon us. The rebellion in Tunisia has spread to Egypt. Yemen is seething, Jordan is restive, and the Saudi royals are getting very nervous. As the resentment among the populations of these long-simmering Arab states boils over, the Uranus-Pluto square feels far less theoretical than it did
You may have heard, dear reader, about the recent alarm raised by an astronomer on NBC, since gone viral, that has led astro-philes everywhere to worry that their Sun signs have been misdiagnosed. Dr Kunkle (after whom I hope they name the next new planet, if not the next search engine) has pronounced that “The 12 signs were designated to
I love Imbolc, halfway between the winter solstice and the upcoming equinox. It’s a neither-fish-nor-fowl time of year; a bare flicker of a sabbat, as tentative as the new green shoots contemplating their debut above the crust of the soil. It was once a holy day, as were all seasonal turning points in the Great Wheel...
There's an unsavory aroma in the air. As Mercury meets up with Pluto (decay), both opposing the USA’s Jupiter (increase) and Venus (wealth), money's on the mass mind.. As the conjunction opposed the USA’s Jupiter (increase) and Venus (money), the Fed announced a new scheme to buy up government debt that it has dubbed “Quantitative Easing”. It’s a trillion-dollar program that
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.