I guess you could say March came in like a lion... if the lion was brain-damaged, gynophobic and high on meth. In the USA, Republicans reinvigorated the 19th-century war on birth control, Rush Limbaugh called a Democratic law student a slut,
Is there a lot of kvetching in your life right now? It wouldn't be surprising, given that Mars is in Virgo, and retrograde to boot. This transit is great for editing and tweaking: incremental reform. But if unconsciously channeled, it makes us prickly and irritable. In Virgo, Mars's default is fuss and worry.
Astrologers have been talking about the Uranus-Pluto square for so long that we risk forgetting to be amazed when its energies play out the way they have. The momentous uprisings and financial turbulence with which the transit expressed itself in 2011 were such exact illustrations of the planetary..
It was when Mars (anger, militancy) opposed Neptune (confusion, pretense) as it was turning direct, just before November’s Full Moon, that the tide began to turn.
It’s hard to believe that the Occupy Wall Street phenomenon is just over a month old. Long expected by astrologers, long awaited by progressives and long dreaded by the One Per Cent, the movement hit the ground running. It expresses the world moment so precisely that it seems to have arisen full-blown, like Athena from the head of Zeus.
The corporate media tried to ignore the Occupy Wall Street movement. Lord knows it tried. Over the past three weeks, as protests filled the streets of New York and started springing up in cities all over the country, the TV news at first played blind, deaf and dumb.
On this tenth anniversary, I don’t want to write about 9/11. I’ve written elsewhere about the implausibility of the official World Trade Center narrative, as have many other astrologers (see especially the blogs of Eric Francis), and the explosive transits under which it took place (Rick Tarnas has an excellent monograph on the chart). It was the first Big Lie
Pluto is slowing down for its station opposed to the midpoint of the US Venus and Jupiter, and the rot at the core of the American system is blossoming in the summer heat. The nation’s values (Venus) are being stripped raw. A twisted morality (Jupiter) is being exposed.
I’m feeling ambivalent about irony. Certainly I’m grateful to it for providing me with some of the best laughs I get these days; mostly from British humorists, who are masters of the form. And ironic prose is often challengingly amusing, offering a showcase for a kind of chilly cleverness. It must say something about our society that the use of
As the solar Eclipse of July 1st nips at our heels, Greece is in flames. The cradle of Western civilization is exploding with the cardinal Cross. Glimpsed sneaking away from the mayhem: none other than Wall Street's Goldman Sachs, who apparently helped Greece to mask its debt crisis with the same slimy credit-swapping tricks that trashed the world economy three years
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.