The astrologers were on it before it began (see Adventures in Foreign Lands). Venus started to trigger the Cardinal Cross late last month; Mercury is launching into its degree range as I write. As the Equinox configurations line up in the sky (details in my new lecture), Mars (war) is squaring Saturn (oppression) in fixed […]
The sky remembers. Unlike us ADD-addled human persons, the sky has an impeccable memory. Right now it’s thinking about 2010 and 11. 2010 was the year environmentalism made a soaring leap into the mass consciousness, thanks to the assembling Uranus-Pluto square and its supporting players. The scales started falling from many eyes that Spring, when […]
Our long hot summer began when Jupiter conjoined the Sun within hours of the summer Solstice. Then it started kicking the Uranus-Pluto square into gear, which it’ll be doing on and off through next Spring. This is the longest-lasting trigger the Cross has seen since Saturn played that role in 2010. When Mars, too, enters this […]
It’s enough to make a gal nostalgic. The CIA of my youth — murderer of the odd student radical, funder of death squads in Latin America – seems almost quaint by comparison to the NSA. Jupiter (publication, knowledge) was transiting the US Mars-Neptune square (all-encompassing deceit) last week when Edward Snowden blew America’s mind by […]
We have about a month left of Jupiter in Gemini. What have we learned over the course of its tenure (June 11th, 2012 – June 25th, 2013)? Jupiter bestows the gift of perspective upon those who are ready for it. It makes conscious the previously unconscious models we’ve been using to confer meaning on things. […]
Things are about to get complicated (see the Skywatch for May), with new energies entering the transit picture. So far, this Spring has been all about Mars. The red planet has been throwing its weight around like a bully on the school bus. As we have seen, Mars set the tone for the whole season […]
The USA is aflame with Mars. News of explosions in Boston, Texas and Oklahoma are buzzing through the airwaves. Clips of blood-spattered victims from the marathon on Monday are playing on millions of television screens in an endless loop. At this writing bomb squads in Boston are searching house-to-house, and citizens are being told to […]
If you use transits for consciousness work, this month’s Pluto station has your name on it. It initiates a five-month inquiry into the forbidden realms within the self 1. In April’s Skywatch I talk about how we might handle this transit in our personal lives, as well as how to use the lunar eclipse on April […]
The warrior planet is in his element. A week before the Equinox – on the New Moon of March 11th –Mars entered Aries, the sign of its rulership. This inaugurated a riff of transits that will set off the explosive Uranus-Pluto square (see April’s Skywatch). Among the issues pushed to the fore in this period […]
When you saw The Wizard of Oz for the first time, were you, too, terrified by the flying monkeys? I think the sight of them triggered something deep in the collective imagination. It was these creatures that came to mind, with horrible absurdity, when I was imagining what the children must be feeling, in villages far […]
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.