What’s happening in the USA makes no sense as a rite of democracy. But it fits this historical moment like a hand in a glove. This most unpresidential of presidential campaigns is a blatant — if distorted — display of the biggest transit in the sky. For several months now, the square from Neptune (erasure) […]
We Americans have two big shows going on. One of them is the Superbowl, in San Francisco at the moment, a 500-pound gorilla who’s sitting wherever he wants. The other one sucking the brains out of the US public is the presidential campaign. It’s hard to take either of them seriously (see Pretend Politix). It […]
So it looks like the Pentagon intended to target that hospital in Afghanistan, after all. (You remember Afghanistan — that war that’s over?)(1) After changing their story a few times, the top brass admitted that the bombing by US special ops(2) that wiped out a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz in October was not […]
In fairy tales, the gifts magical creatures bestow are always exactly suited to the hero’s tasks. Since life is a fairy tale, the same applies to the tools we are given by circumstances. Each is perfect for our path, and for the age we were born into. Ours being the age of the Fantastic Information […]
The American public is very confused right now, about what’s going on in Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Lebanon. So is Washington. We don’t have the huge, divisive for-or-against war debate that we had a decade ago. Instead there’s an uneasy huffing and puffing from both political parties. It has the feeling of reluctant posturing, but […]
Here in the spring of 2015, Pluto is halfway through Capricorn. Its square with Uranus, having hit exactitude for the last time mid-March, has officially begun its assimilation phase. Our cells have started digesting it. Its lessons are slowly being absorbed into the troubled body of the Anima Mundi. But early April is beset by […]
It’s the perfect time to look death in the eye. Right now, Pluto and Uranus are leaning in so close we can practically feel their breath.(1) Sparks from the Aries and Leo transits are singeing our eyebrows(2). Feeling bold enough to look death in the eye? This is what you do. First of all we […]
The new year opened as the transits suggested it would, with reactive dogma (Saturn in Sagittarius) against the background of the Uranus-Pluto square, the astrological time bomb of our era. The shootings in Paris aroused universal outrage, which has inspired a mass conversation. People’s hearts opened in an outpouring of a worldwide unity. Is this what […]
It’s like finding a piece of rotting meat in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator. We put it there ourselves, and then forgot about it. Transits like this one trigger events that are often very unpleasant. Uranus and Pluto are exactly square in the sky, as I write. It’s the 6th out of seven times […]
Neptune is the also-ran outer planet. It hasn’t been getting the press that Uranus and Pluto have been getting. But it is stationing in mid-November in the sign of its rulership, Pisces, where it is maximally strong (2011-2025). These weeks of its station provide a window into its power. Neptunian power is all-encompassing but subtle, […]
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.