When Obama went on TV and declared war last week,(1) Mercury was entering the degree range of the Cardinal Cross. The messenger god delivered the message. But Mercury didn’t cause the catastrophe. Planets don’t cause events, nor do they supply us with quick and easy answers. In fact, they pose questions. Right now they are […]
It’s undeniable that the world is in a state of acute disaster.1 We have here a collective illness that won’t go away without major intervention. But by Natural Law there is an equally remarkable influx of truth-telling happening. It is a cure equal to the need. The Cosmos is nothing if not symmetrical. Visionaries Truth […]
Anandamayi Ma was once asked how someone would know whether to choose the renunciate life. Replied she, “Would one deliberate on whether to flee a massacre?” (1) We all know what she was talking about. Who among us, if they’ve been paying attention at all, would not view human existence in the twenty-teens as a […]
Do you watch Jon Stewart’s “fake news?” The Daily Show is my primary health care provider, offering therapeutic release through snark. Without him, many of us would explode from pent-up outrage and frustration at the tin-eared babble that passes for news. But every once in a while I’m reminded that professional skewerer Stewart is as […]
Crises arise for a host of cosmic reasons. Astrologers figure out what these reasons are by taking apart the pieces of planetary configurations, like this month’s cardinal cross. The fact that most of us are in the throes of individual crises right now is not a surprise to anyone who’s been following this transit. Each […]
Last month’s Full Moon brought news that sent a chill down the collective spine of the 99%. Net neutrality received its deadliest blow yet when a federal court moved one step closer to allowing corporations to decide which websites get the fast access everybody wants. The Full Moon was at 26° Cancer/ Capricorn. Transit trackers […]
The first moment of a cycle is its most important moment. What the sky is doing at the moment a baby takes its first breath encodes the child’s lifelong potential. The first few days of the lunar cycle set the tone for the entire month.1 And the first month of a given year encapsulates the […]
Astrologers have their eyes on Mars right now, as we will for the rest of this winter and spring. The warrior planet is tightrope-walking back and forth across the degree range occupied by Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter. The kick-off of this riff was Christmas Eve, when Mars opposed Uranus in a debut as emphatic as […]
Just in time for the holiday shopping season, we have the latest trend in American race bias: “shop-and-frisk,” the profiling of customers of color. Retail racism is, of course, an American tradition. Some of the most iconic images in our history of bigotry are of the segregated soda fountain. Now the debate has moved uptown. […]
The transits around the Equinox suggested stark raving madness. One by one, quickly moving triggers have been setting off the Cardinal Cross, starting with Mercury’s ingress into Libra, which sent the horror in Syria galloping out in front of the world’s awareness (see September’s blog). Jupiter’s conjunction to the US Cancer planets told us Uncle […]
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.