The new year begins with the Mars-Pluto opposition reaching the exact minute of arc. If your chart features the first degree of fixed signs are getting it between the eyes. It may be showing up as a conflict that feels like a life-and-death battle…
The new year begins with the Mars-Pluto opposition reaching the exact minute of arc. If your chart features the first degree of fixed signs are getting it between the eyes. It may be showing up as a conflict that feels like a life-and-death battle… Subscribe to read the full Skywatch.
The world is dominated this winter by the Mars-Pluto opposition. Notorious for power plays (see last month’s SkyWatch), this transit pits the planet of ego against that of decay and renewal, a.k.a. Natural Law. Be on the lookout for things that are ready to die (Pluto), whether living beings, societal constructs, or parts of our […]
In terms of world events, November carries a considerable buzz. And there is an astrological logic to all this intensity. We’re dealing with two types of tension this month. The first is a series of fixed-sign stand-offs. The New Moon hits as November begins, with the Sun and Moon at ten 1/2 Scorpio, and if […]
October begins with an annular Solar Eclipse — a New Moon with extra clout. It’s a double dose of the smoothest of signs: Libra, the Mr Nice Guy of the zodiac. Let’s deepen our understanding of Libra by challenging its mistaken association with romance. Libra is not about love so much as the idea of […]
September announces itself with a double blast. On the first day of the month, Pluto goes back into Capricorn — its last hurrah in that sign for 250 years — just as Uranus is stationing retrograde in the sky. Pluto is the Drama Queen of the solar system; Uranus is the Gotcha planet. Both are […]
The big milestone this month is the series of mutable squares, spearheaded by Jupiter and Saturn. The two gas giants are exactly 90° apart on August 19th, and then again in December. Especially hard hit will be those charts with planets in the middle degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. This includes those of […]
Are we ready for the second half of 2024? We just crossed a big threshold with Jupiter’s ingress into Gemini, marking a shift in the collective wind. Buzz buzz buzz: the digital field is crowded and busy. Jupiter has entered the sign of information flow, to help us navigate the latest global pandemic: the collective […]
There’s a lot of Gemini bouncing around this month. Especially after Mercury’s ingress on June 3rd, the mass mood is clever and skittish. Lovers of variety and wit will be energized under these skies. Language is more fun than usual. People’s minds are running thoughts with usual ease, so social interactions may feel more fluid. […]
Jessica’s February 27 webinar, “Controlled Abandon,” looks at how current transits can open us up to radical consciousness change. Register at the San Francisco Astrological Society.
Jessica’s March 22 webinar, “In Charge But Not in Control,” is a deep dive into the Saturn-Neptune conjunction. Register at Astrology University.
Jessica’s webinar on Pluto in Aquarius is available here.